
Loving-Kindness Meditation

Often, we find it easy to share compassion with those we love, whether horses or humans. We tend to speak to them with gentleness, readily sharing our kindness and accepting their imperfections. While, we may reserve the cruelest thoughts and feelings for our own mind and body. Thankfully, through practice, we may develop self-compassion that supports us in learning to give ourselves the same care we’d share with a good friend, two-legged or four-legged.

We invite you to pause for a guided meditation to offer your affirmations of loving-kindness to a special horse, person and finally, yourself. You are worthy of life, love, and light, just as the horse.

A Guided Imagery Practice: A Moment on the Farm

It’s wild out there right now. It’s a time of uncertainties and countless, unprecedented changes that makes it tough for any of us to adapt and stay calm. We are all worried. Worried about ourselves, our friends, families, and communities, and our futures—amongst a multitude other concerns.

In moments like these, it’s essential for us each to take time to build resiliency for the many stressors of modernity that are simply out of our control. Try our brief, guided-equine imagery to get a mindfulness moment today.

Healing Traumatic Wounds on the Farm

From then on, the damage of trauma continually triggers the brain and body into continual activation or deactivation--“fight or flight”--whenever encountering any other stressful events. Therapeutic support may help repair the damage of trauma exposure you may be experiencing.

Receiving this therapeutic support on the farm may especially help you heal from these traumatic wounds by targeting a few key areas.

Four Myths About Horses

Myths relating to horses are prevalent in articles, books and movies featuring equine-assisted therapies. It’s important to understand that horses are not magical mirrors to solve all of our problems with a miracle flick of their ears and blink of their swirling eyes.

Here are a few popular myths we want to dispel right here, right now.

Equine-Assisted Camp

As we all eagerly anticipate the arrival of summer, it’s got me thinking about camp! One of my favorite camps to facilitate is a week-long, equine-assisted camp to empower young women within the inclusive, farm environment. The group includes six girls from the ages of 7-17 with a range of emotional/cognitive/physical challenges. Working with horses optimizes opportunities for growth in confidence, social and communication skills development, and team building within this population of emerging young women.

Here are some highlights of the activities campers engage in together throughout the week on the inclusive farm!


We all experience tough moments where we need to buck ourselves up with a pep talk to power through. So when it gets gritty and you need to find the fortitude to persevere, a mantra is a perfect go-to! Even Thomas the Tank Engine had one with his classic “I think I can, I think I can.”

Horses are wonderful muses to inspire your own supportive mantra boost! Check out a few of our favorite equestrian-inspired mantras to try when you need to feel strong and empowered!

Equine-Inspired Journal Templates

Journaling is an evidence-based approach proven to benefit both your physical and emotional health. When you write down your emotional experiences, you activate the right ventrolateral prefrontal cortex in the brain that helps to relax neural activity linked to strong emotional feelings. Not to mention, studies also offer that journaling is associated with improved outcomes for fighting diseases like asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, HIV/AIDS and cancer. Overall, putting pen to paper to reflect on the day in your own words helps both physical and emotional wounds heal faster.

Here are seven equine-inspired journal templates to get you started on a reflective writing practice!

Three Equine Approaches to Optimize Mindfulness

A session on the farm today transformed into an impromptu mindfulness session when we discovered the herd laying for an afternoon interlude in their paddocks. Not wanting to disturb their naps, we met our horse where he was today--utterly relaxed with his hooves tucked under him, eyes gently closed and trusting of his environment. We sat together in a circle with the snoozing horse and guided the client through a meditation, grounded in the natural, bucolic environment.

Here are three equine techniques (no pony required!) to try as you delve into your next mindfulness practice, whether it’s taking a few minutes to focus on your breath or using a guided meditation on an app (Insight Timer, Calm, or Headspace).

Newly Designated as Certified Equine Interaction Professional: Education

We are pleased to share that Elevation Equitation executive director, Erin Teigen, is now recognized as a Certified Equine Interaction Professional: Education (CEIP-E) through the Certification Board for Equine Interaction Professionals (CBEIP)!​ The CEIP-E credential indicates verification of extensive professional experience and independent assessment of knowledge in the field of equine interaction services. The certification is currently the highest level of competency assessment offered for equine interaction professionals in the U.S. and Canada.

The Benefits of Therapeutic Horseback Riding

When you partner with a 1,000-pound horse, you gain incredible confidence to feel empowered in facing the challenges of your own life. Therapeutic horseback riding promotes horses as stewards to help broad populations of individuals with emotional, physical and/or cognitive challenges progress in their individualized equestrian goals and learn riding skills. Gaining independence with horses holistically translates into continued achievements in riders’ everyday lives. Working with horses may optimally encourage significant developments in confidence, strength and resiliency through mind-body integration.