Scroll through for six more animal-inspired journal templates to guide you in a reflective writing practice! (Click to download printable PDF templates.)
As we’ve highlighted here before, journaling is an evidence-based approach proven to benefit both your physical and emotional health. Research offers that journaling is linked to a host of benefits, including:
improved mood and sense of well-being
reduced symptoms of depression
reduced intrusive and avoidance symptoms following trauma exposure
improved working memory (Baikie & Wilhelm, 2005).
Since it can be challenging to get started with a journaling practice as the blank paper stares dauntingly back at you, we’ve created additional prompts to support you in growing with your journaling. Try a few templates on and see what works for your thought-process and mood. Feel free to create your own based on these designs, too. If you missed our first post with other equine-inspired templates, head back to our 2019 entry!
Note: This article is not clinical counseling or psychotherapy and it is not intended to treat any mental-health condition. The commentary offered in this blog may not be appropriate for every person depending on their current needs and individual systems. Please consult a physician or mental-health clinician to seek care for your specific needs and goals. If you are experiencing a medical or behavioral health emergency, please immediately call 911 or present to emergency department, as soon as possible.